• Uncategorized

    On Democracy

    Years ago, when my son was in high school, I recruited him, (dragged him) door-knocking with me on a political campaign. It was for a young candidate who was to become our new US representative. (Lauren Underwood, the youngest black member of Congress). He rolled his eyes, as all teens do, but I brought him to the campaign headquarters, got our instructions and off we went. We were assigned to the exurbs. If you’re not familiar, the houses are not on top of one another, though still in neighborhoods. Just on the edge of farmland. And they are whiter than white. I had previously dragged my son to a meet…

  • Uncategorized

    The Ongoing Struggle With Nature

    This morning, I ran outside with a cauldron of boiling water and threw it against the base of a pokeweed. I have never felt more like a crone. Our land backs up to a wooded area owned by the county. They sadly neglect it and hope it will just thrive on its own. Except, of course, where there is a walking/biking path that they maintain meticulously, clearing it of debris and danger. But as the property gets close to ours, they shamefully allow buckthorn to take over and suffocate local trees. Only the fiercest of weeds survives along the edge. Years ago, an old ash dropped all its leaves. A…

  • Ancestors,  Junk

    Releasing the Crap of My Ancestors

    One day, almost 30 years ago now, I came home from work (I was living alone at the time), and I noticed a light on in the basement of my townhouse. Now normally that would worry me. Who had been in my house? But I had a dog who was downstairs and I could hear her down there. I went down the stairs and the first thing I noticed was that a new light had been installed…a fluorescent light in my basement that brightened the entire space. As I turned the corner, I saw about 30 boxes, sealed up and piled as though they had been there forever. I walked…

  • Uncategorized

    The Tyranny of Productivity

    I saw the above image while driving home from the grocery store. I glanced at the sky and thought, “How wonderful.” And then I realized how easy it would have been for me to look away and carry on with my day, not stopping to actually look up, not stopping to think, not stopping to appreciate, not stopping. Because, you know, I’m busy. Appointments, meals, laundry, shopping, all that. But what about really living? The older I get, the more I realize that we are all caught on some terrible treadmill. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Especially anyone who is involved in social media. I have friends who are…

  • Uncategorized


    This is by no means a comprehensive list. But it is a list of some of the things I do, and would recommend to anyone in order to stay sane at this time of life. –-Plant bulbs This is not mandatory, but very satisfying. Now you know that you will have a delight as soon as the spring arrives. If you die over the winter, then you will have given that gift to someone else. The Earth will thank you for the nurturing and the feeding once the bulb dies back to the ground. It’s wins all around. –Talk to young people You have no idea what you’re missing if…

  • Aging

    Aging Gracefully. Good Luck.

    Let’s get something straight right now. I’m not aging gracefully. I’m aging ugly. I don’t even really understand what it means to age gracefully. I suppose if you stay permanently healthy, have no aches or pains or any worries, it’s easy. That didn’t work for me. And in all likelihood, it doesn’t work for you either. Most of us are aging. (Technically, all of us are aging.) And with it comes the diagnoses, the weight, the changes and the losses. Where I used to be able to run 3 miles a day, now…well let’s just say I can’t run 3 miles a day. I recently started getting a lot more…

  • Aging,  Welcome

    Welcome to the Zone

    If you do not feel older every minute, I do not expect you to understand. But since basically everyone is getting older every day, you are included. I’m here to celebrate aging in a very unashamed way. Because all I can be right now is unashamed. It took plenty of living to get this wonderful/used- up/tired/chubby/angry/generous/weak-in-the-knees/loving/hurting/playful. Join the fun. We’re not afraid of menopause here. We’re not afraid of men. We’re not afraid of each other. We’re not afraid. We left that shit behind a long time ago. So take your Vitamin D and join the party. I hear it gets crazier as time goes on. Can’t wait.