

This is by no means a comprehensive list. But it is a list of some of the things I do, and would recommend to anyone in order to stay sane at this time of life.

-Plant bulbs

This is not mandatory, but very satisfying. Now you know that you will have a delight as soon as the spring arrives. If you die over the winter, then you will have given that gift to someone else. The Earth will thank you for the nurturing and the feeding once the bulb dies back to the ground. It’s wins all around.

–Talk to young people

You have no idea what you’re missing if you are not having conversations with young people every day. It gets harder as you get older. Kids move away, they become independent. It gets easier and easier just to talk with and hang out with people your own age. Don’t do it. Find the younger ones, as well as the older ones. Youthful conversations will open your mind in ways you didn’t think possible. They have never lived in the world we lived in. They have a completely different worldview. We have a lot to learn from them.

–Care and nurture your body

This is so vague and everyone basically takes care of themselves. But it’s a skill some of us have to learn. Especially if we were healthy all our lives. Suddenly, we are not able to do the things we used to do. Maybe an illness, accident or chronic condition shows up. Maybe you are busy caring for your own aging parents. Maybe you are still too busy working and contributing. We have lots of excuses. In this area, it helps to sit for a moment and think about the things you did in the course of a day. Did any of it involve your needs? (I’m not talking about bathing, eating etc.) Maybe you need to breathe deeply. Maybe it’s a walk. Or a book. You know.

-Feed your spirituality

This is a tough one. You don’t have to believe in God. You don’t have to have a formal religion. But from the deepest part of me, I think we all need to hold something sacred. Other people, nature, our gardens, the planet, the night sky. The love in your heart for your spouse. Or your children, grandchildren. Or your best friend. Your pet. At some point, we need to feel the beauty of life. For millions of light years around us, no other life quite like ours has been detected. Anywhere. Let this moment…and any moment be sacred.

–Give back

This is deceptively harder than it sounds. We can write checks or volunteer. But spend a moment thinking about the *proportion* of time you spend giving vs. taking. We “take” whenever we eat or purchase ANYTHING at a store. Or when we build or manufacture anything. When we drive, when we consume more, more, more. And when do we give? When there’s a disaster? During the holidays? I would like to think that my biggest contribution to the life of the planet will not be the day my body gets returned to it. I hope that I can find a way to give back before then. Like I said, it’s harder than it sounds.

All of this is just a start.

I’m still learning how to be older. I imagine I will be learning until the end. But I will cherish every moment until then. And along the way, I hope we can nurture one another’s journey.

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